Sunday, March 7, 2010

Not your mom-mom's Mac & Cheese

It's a good thing I can't watch the Oscars (thanks ABC and Cablevision) because I'm studying for a test tomorrow. It's insurance and I keep falling asleep when I try to read it. Anyways here's to diversions like blogging and cooking....
Last week I stopped in the bodega in my building for a snack and bought some Ritz crackers but when I tried to spread on some tofutti cream cheese they all totally fell apart. I was crushed. So I was trying to think about what to do with a bunch of ritz cracker crumbs. A quick internet search including ritz and vegan lead me to Lindy Loo at Yeah, That "Vegan" Shit and a lovely recipe for Mac & Cheese topped with Ritz. I followed the recipe, but I still don't see why you need to make the white sauce and cheeze sauce separately. Anyway, it was still easy and I only had half a box of elbow macaroni, so I only used 1/2 the cheese sauce and the extra pan came in handy for mixing.
The verdict? This is some super awesome mac & cheese. Too bad I don't have any stewed tomatoes or it would be just like grandma used to make. Well, not my grandma, but everyone else's mom-mom I knew growing up in Delaware.


Dianne said...

Another Delawarian! Finally!
That does look like some super creamy and easy mac!

Bianca said...

That looks super-creamy and delicious! I love that Lindy Loo, but my blog reader doesn't update her posting times so I often forget to check it since I tend to use my blog reader to figure out who has posted when. Boo! Thanks for the reminder to head over there!

Allison, The Busy (Happy!) Vegan said...

I saw the title and couldn't wait to read about the mac n cheese, but I got totally distracted by the revelation that RITZ crackers are vegan! Dynamite (and life-changing) news. Thanks!!

miss v said...

sweet! i've been dreaming up some recipes that use mac & cheese as an ingredient. the box stuff just doesn't compare - thanks for the link to the recipe!

Krysia said...

Looks delicious. I had some Mac and "chreese" last night and it was gross. I just started eating vegan. Do you ask what is in everything at restaurants?

River - The Crafty Kook said...

I love this! So creamy and comforting! *drool*

Meh. I didn't even watch the Oscars this year. I have watched them religiously every year since I was a child, but this year they just seemed meh. How did your test go? :)